Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jumping Hurdles...

I'm trying to keep it all together over here.

In my universe, this time of year means year-end closing for 4 companies, taxes, audits, and an overabundance of sheer annoyance. I always take 2 steps forward...just so that I can take 3 more back.

I need a Valium.

My training is severely suffering this week. Sunday was my fantastic 8 miler. Tuesday my plans for running 6 miles after work were foiled because I left work late, and the dogs were completely out of dog food. Sometimes I need a personal assistant.

Last night, the plan was to make up the 6 miles that I missed. I brought some work home with me (even though I have no place to sit down and comfortably do it, since the new dining room table we ordered 4 weeks ago has still not arrived), so I was comfortable with the idea of taking an hour of my scant free time to run.

I began the run tired. I jogged tired. I gasped and hacked and coughed. Still tired.

Then my shins got tired.

Then my brain completely shut down.

The end.

I proceeded to walk home with my tired body and shins and brain. After completing only 1.85 miles. Pffftttttt!!! I went home and cried.

Then I started working, got about 20 minutes in, and decided that if I remotely changed the resolution on my work computer, it would speed up my connection at home (VPN). Yeah, don't ever try that. Make your resolution changes prior to leaving your real computer at the office. Otherwise, you will cry again, and won't get any more work done for the rest of the night.

It was basically a completely awful and unproductive evening.

I ended the evening with a pity party and a veggie fest of a dinner. I suppose that the veggies were my only positive during for the night. Thank God for veggies. I had grilled zucchini squash w/ mushrooms, mashed cauliflower with cheddar, steamed broccoli, and some of my favorite cottage cheese. My Gazelle's reaction?

"Aren't you havin' any steak?"

"Meh. Steak is for men."

And now, I am trying to put on my happy face because today is our anniversary! He has to work tonight (naturally), so we're doing lunch today to celebrate. It was a lovely surprise when I slugged into work today and found two anniversary cards (a funny and a sweet) and this cute little desk plaque thingy in my purse:


It does make me smile when I look at it. I love the simplicity of it. And the way that he left the price tag on it. It's
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